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TopicTopic StarterRepliesViewsLast ActionLast PostAgree
  Test Mating - New Save FeatureTony Gallagher4120021 Apr 01:59Tony Gallagher 5
  Countering Lies About Greyhound Racing   (1, 2 )Yaakov Rishon34637509 Apr 13:34Monika Then Bergh 12
  What retired dogs do you have at home?    (1, 2 ... 9, 10 )Tony Gallagher1885166705 Mar 01:13Ross McMillan 6
  Reporting Unsuitable Forum ContentForum Administrator03142312 May 15:07 3
  Trade genitics David Foley03627 Apr 20:46 0
  Rugby Great Terry Hill PassesPeter Bryce226725 Apr 21:57Mark Donohue 1
  Richmond Puppy Auction - 26th MayMark Latham346425 Apr 08:06Trent Wrigley 0
  KNOCKLONG nowadays 2024Paul Gebhard018925 Apr 06:42 0
  greyhound properties/vicMichael Barry548025 Apr 03:32Michael Barry 0
  MACKENNAYaakov Rishon345123 Apr 22:49Darren Leeson 1
  Greyhound data membership Brian Loughnane729523 Apr 08:00Tony Gallagher 1
  Old Sires the New "Outcross"Paul Dicks13152720 Apr 23:11Anthony Orley 1
  Anxiety in kennel at track Sarah Shannon347720 Apr 21:29Michael Bowerman 0
  Droopys Sydney   (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 )Michael de Ward1231416520 Apr 05:13Paul Ballantine 0
  Brookside Richie.Jack Ogilvie439518 Apr 20:07Michael Gollogly 0
  Gabriel Brown Team MemberTony Gallagher121817 Apr 20:58Ray Brown 9
  John Katakasi - MP (SFFP)Yaakov Rishon441817 Apr 06:36Ryan Vanderwert 2
  MortonSam Watson14192715 Apr 09:38Sam Watson 0
  Beast Unleashed at Stud   (1, 2 ... 8, 9 )Tony Gallagher1782432615 Apr 05:01Jimmy Corbo 2
  GD Test Mating - How can we improve it?   (1, 2 )Tony Gallagher32185414 Apr 22:42Tony Gallagher 0
163690 Topics  / 1374413 Messages   page  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 >>